
Providing financial assistance for burial/cremation costs for families of stillborn babies (born still at/after 20 weeks gestation).


Purpose According to March of Dimes, stillbirth affects approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies each year in the United States. Approximately 66 families a day will be faced with the unexpected expense of burying or cremating their stillborn baby. Byron C. Glenn III Foundation's purpose is to help ease the unexpected financial burden these families will face when determining the final resting place for their forever baby.

Our Story

On June 8th, 2018 our lives changed forever, and not in the way we had been planning. We had been married for seven and half years and anticipating the arrival of our first child for a long, grueling 38 weeks.

Michelle had been scheduled to be induced that morning after a long battle with morning sickness, indigestion, acid reflux, severe fatigue, PUPPS rash, and in the last week of pregnancy, high blood pressure. We arrived at the hospital nervous and excited; we were now going to be a family of three.

Once we were checked into the room, the first nurse came in to hook Michelle up with all of the monitoring systems. The nurse was unable to find our son’s heartbeat. She said that sometimes it happens and left to go get another nurse. The second nurse could not find his heartbeat. It was then that we knew something was wrong. The second nurse left to go get an ultrasound machine and was still unsuccessful in finding our son’s heartbeat. Both nurses left to get a doctor who confirmed our worst fears, our son had died.

Michelle continued on with the induction and after about eight and half hours in labor our son was stillborn due to a cord complication. He was beautiful and perfect; born at 3:22pm at 7lbs 7oz and 20.5 inches long. He had a head full of beautiful, dark brown, curly hair, the cutest button nose, and the chubbiest of cheeks. He made us mom and dad.